About us

The first step in founding our company began with the proposal of an article on increasing the strength of the body of a soft robot to conduct a master's thesis in 2013. Following the selection process of the dissertation and further studies, it became clear that the field of soft robotics is a new field, and there are lots of things to research and work on, and in addition to its immense appeal to us, these robots will have many applications in human society and life the future.

The subject of the dissertation, which ultimately focused on increasing the strength of the body of a flexible robotic arm, lasted about two years. During conducting research on the dissertation, and fabrication of the desired soft robot, another soft robot which was a type of soft universal gripper was built for one of the universities in Iran.

After completing the master's degree, the core of the team had formed in 2015. In order to gain more knowledge and expertise in this field, several pieces of research were done, which resulted in the publication of articles in IEEE, Springer, and the last article in mid-2021 in IOP, UK, in the field of soft and light robotics.

Why is it worth cooperating with us?


Soft Robot

Highly-articulated Flexible Manipulator

Soft Universal Gripper

Linear/Planar Pneumatic Actuator

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Today, our team has focused on the application of soft robots for using in small and medium industries, centers and institutions, homes, and personal applications. According to the customer’s needs; ideation, conceptualization, initial design, optimization, and evaluation are performed using several specialized software, and then, by redesigning and planning to fabricate, finally, your desired idea is fabricated, and an applicable soft robot is presented.

  • Soft Robotics
  • Hybrid Robots
  • Granular Jamming Mechanism
  • Engineering Design & Optimization